ShadEditor is evolving to be Edra.


A ready to use text editor build for svelte with tiptap and shadcn ui. Creating a tiptap editor from scratch is a pain. This package provides a ready-to-use editor with all the features you need. You can install the package in your project but it will not give you flexibility. The recommended way is to use cli which installs all the dependencies for you and pastes the shad-editor component in your project.


The main focus of this project is to provide ready to use component in your current project. You need to install the shadcn ui and it’s dependencies.

Pre-Requisites - ⚠️ Important

Since, this project uses shadcn ui, you need to install shadcn in your svelte project. The editor uses tailwind typography plugin which is not included in shadcn. So, you need to install it manually.

1. Adding shadcn and it’s components

For installation of shadcn, please follow thier official installation guide.

The editor usages tooltip, dropdown menu, button, separator, input, etc. Add them in your svelte project.

# using npm
npx shadcn-svelte@next add dropdown-menu button tooltip input popover separator
# using pnpm
pnpm dlx shadcn-svelte@next add dropdown-menu button tooltip input popover separator

2. Adding Tailwind Typography

For installation of tailwind typography, please follow thier official installation guide.

3. Adding Lucide Icons (Optional, CLI will do it for you)

Add lucide icons in your svelte project.

# using npm
npm install lucide-svelte
# using pnpm
pnpm install lucide-svelte

4. Adding Mode Watcher (Optional, CLI will do it for you)

Mode watcher is used to detect the mode of the editor. Add it in your svelte project.

# using npm
npm install mode-watcher
# using pnpm
pnpm install mode-watcher

5. Installation

Recommended way is to use cli which installs all the dependencies for you and pastes the shad-editor component in your project. This method gives you full independence and flexibility. You can further customize the editor as per your need.

# using npm
npx shadeditor init
# using pnpm
pnpm dlx shadeditor init


You can import the shad-editor component in any of the file. It should work just like any other svelte component.

<script lang="ts">
	import { browser } from '$app/environment';
	import ShadEditor from '$lib/components/shad-editor/shad-editor.svelte';
	import { writable } from 'svelte/store';

	let localStorageContent = '';

	if (browser) {
		localStorageContent = localStorage.getItem('content') || '';

	const content = writable(localStorageContent);

	content.subscribe((value) => {
		console.log('Content Changed');
		if (!browser) return;
		localStorage.setItem('content', value);

<main class="my-10 flex h-full w-full flex-col items-center justify-center">
	<ShadEditor class="h-[40rem]" content={$content} />

Slash Command

The editor has built in slash command which let you add headings, tables, images, videos, code blocks etc with ease. Find the implementation in shad-editor/custom/Extentions/slash-command folder. You can change the groups and commands as per your need. You can add or remove groups and commands as per your need.

You can find the implementation in shad-editor.svelte file in extensions array.


Font Size

The editor has built in font size which let you change the font size of the text. Find the implementation in shad-editor/custom/Extentions/FontSize.ts file. You can change the behavior of the font size as per your need in shad-editor/icons/font-size.svelte file.

You can find the implementation in shad-editor.svelte file in extensions array.



The editor has built in placeholder which let you show a text on new line. This is an official tiptap extension.

You can find default implementation in shad-editor.svelte

	emptyEditorClass: 'is-empty',
	placeholder: 'Write something …'

You can also show node specific placeholder e.g. for headings.

	emptyEditorClass: 'is-empty',
	placeholder: ({ node }) => {
		if ( === 'heading') {
			return 'What’s the title?';
		return 'Write something or use toolbar to insert something ...';

Markdown Support

The editor has built in support for markdown. You can use **Bold**, _italic_, ~~strikethrough~~, >Quotes, # Heading 1, ## Heading 2, ### Heading 3, - Unordered List, 1. Ordered List, [] Task List and more.

try it out in the editor.

Code Block Extended

ShadEditor utilizes lowlight for syntax highlighting. For the code syntax highlighting, one-light and one-dark themes are added with respect to the theme of website. It usage tailwind css light and dark mode.

Info: By Default, the tiptap code block extension does not support code copy and language selection.

If you see the code, there has been added an extended code block component in shad-editor/custom/code-extended.svelte.

In shad-editor.svelte, the code block extension is added with lowlight option in extensions array.

	addNodeView() {
		return SvelteNodeViewRenderer(CodeExtended);

This extension provides a dropdown menu to select the language of the code block with a copy button.

try it out in the editor.

Image Extended

The image extension is extended with a resize, align, caption, Duplicate and Delete options. The code file for this extension can be found in shad-editor/custom/Extentions/ImageExtention.ts and component for this extension can be found in shad-editor/custom/image-extended-component.svelte.

You can find the implementation in shad-editor.svelte file in extensions array.


try it out in the editor.

Credit to Shadcn Editor

Video Extended

The video extension is extended with a resize, align, caption, Duplicate and Delete options. The code file for this extension can be found in shad-editor/custom/Extentions/VideoExtention.ts and component for this extension can be found in shad-editor/custom/video-extended-component.svelte.

You can find the implementation in shad-editor.svelte file in extensions array.


try it out in the editor.


Audio Extended

The audio extension is extended with a resize, align, caption, Duplicate and Delete options. The code file for this extension can be found in shad-editor/custom/Extentions/AudioExtention.ts and component for this extension can be found in shad-editor/custom/audio-extended-component.svelte.

You can find the implementation in shad-editor.svelte file in extensions array.


try it out in the editor.

Credit to Shadcn Editor


Table extension is default tiptap extension. You can edit, add, delete, merge and split rows, cells and columns.

try it out in the editor.

Search And Replace

Search and Replace provides an advanced search and replace functionality. This is a custom extension which is not a part of tiptap. You can find and replace the text in the editor. You can utilize find next, find previous, replace and replace all functionality. One can find the extenstion file in shad-editor/custom/Extentions/SearchAndReplace.ts.

You can find the implementation in shad-editor.svelte file in extensions array.


try it out in the editor.

Credit to sereneinserenade


Links extension is default tiptap extension. You can add and remove links with ease. By Default, the links do not open on click. You can make them open on click by adding openOnClick option.

You can edit the implementation in shad-editor.svelte file in extensions array.

	openOnClick: true,
	openOnClick: false,
	autolink: true,
	defaultProtocol: 'https',
	HTMLAttributes: {
		target: '_blank',
		rel: 'noopener noreferrer'

try it out in the editor.

Drag Handle

The editor has built in support for drag handle. You can drag the block to move it up and down. The nodes can be auto joined on drag. You can find the looking handle on the left side of each block. You can grab it and move the block to any position. The document will auto scroll on drag.

try it out in the editor.

LaTeX Support

The editor supports the LaTeX rendering. You can write the latex supported by katex. The editor can also evaluate the latex expressions. You can click on any latex expression to evaluate it. Please note that the evaluation is done on latex expression so, you need to use proper syntax.

Demo Video for LaTeX Support

try it out in the editor.

Credit to tiptap-math-extension

HTML Content

The editor output can be stored as HTML. You can bind the content props of the editor component with a string variable. The content will be updated on each transaction. A simple example is shown below.

<script lang="ts">
	import ShadEditor from '$lib/components/shad-editor/shad-editor.svelte';
	import { writable } from 'svelte/store';

	// Initialize the content with empty string
	const content = writable("");

	content.subscribe(async (value) => {
		console.log('Content Changed');
		// Save the content to your storage
		await saveData(value);

	omMount(async() => {
		let rawData: string = await loadData();


<main class="my-10 flex h-full w-full flex-col items-center justify-center">
	<ShadEditor class="h-[40rem]" content={$content} />

Info: Under the hood, the content is being set to HTML in shad-editor.svelte file. You can find this on onTransaction function.

onTransaction: (transaction) => {
	editor = transaction.editor;
	content = editor.getHTML();

JSON Content

The editor output can be stored as JSON. You can bind the content props of the editor component with a string variable. The content will be updated on each transaction. A simple example is shown below.

<script lang="ts">
	import ShadEditor from '$lib/components/shad-editor/shad-editor.svelte';
	import { writable, type Writable } from 'svelte/store';
	import type { Content } from '@tiptap/core';
	import {loadData, saveData} from 'mybackend';

	// load the data from you data source of type Content
	const content: Writable<Content> = writable(loadData());

	content.subscribe(async (value) => {
		console.log('Content Changed');
		// Save the content to your storage
		await saveData(value);


<main class="my-10 flex h-full w-full flex-col items-center justify-center">
	<ShadEditor class="h-[40rem]" content={$content} />

Info: Under the hood, the content can be set to JSON in shad-editor.svelte file. You can edit this on onTransaction function.

onTransaction: (transaction) => {
	editor = transaction.editor;
	content = editor.getJSON();

Export Data

You can export the data from your editor as html, json, markdown and plain text. The exported data will be downloaded as a file named data. You can customise the export functionalities from /shad-editor/icons/export.svelte file.

try it out in the editor.